Author: Building Resilient Neighbourhoods

Building Resilient Neighbourhoods (BRN) is a collaborative effort to help create more resilient communities and neighbourhoods in British Columbia, Canada. It is currently delivered and hosted by the non-profit Building Resilient Neighbourhoods Society.
The Prepare for Heat Guide cover page floats in the foreground with a cooling centre sign in Vancouver in the background.

Are you and your neighbours safely connected and prepared for extreme heat? Try out our new neighbour-to-neighbour guide

Building Resilient Neighbourhoods (BRN), in collaboration with Hey Neighbour Collective, has published a new, free guide called Prepare Together for Extreme Heat.

Several neighbours stand around a table doing connect and prepare.

Connect & Prepare program applications, call for expressions of interest

We are inviting groups of neighbours living in either a multi-unit building or complex, or on the same street, to be part of a fully online version of our popular “Connect & Prepare” program this spring. Online workshops held between April-June 2021 with the support of micro-grants, program materials, and resource experts.

Be kind; grow your own vegetables.

Neighbour-to-neighbour activities to keep building those resilience muscles while physical distancing

At Building Resilient Neighbourhoods, we often talk about community resilience as a set of “muscles” we can intentionally develop that will help us pro-actively respond and adapt to different shocks…