Connect & Prepare

Photo of community members at a fire public education workshop in North Vancouver.

Connect & Prepare in action in North Vancouver

Read the North Vancouver Connect & Prepare Learning Report! Connect & Prepare was brought to three buildings in North Vancouver in 2022-23, through a partnership involving BRN and North Shore Community Resources, Silver Harbour Centre, Lionsview Seniors’ Planning, North Shore Emergency Management, and the City of North Vancouver’s Planning Department.

The Prepare for Heat Guide cover page floats in the foreground with a cooling centre sign in Vancouver in the background.

Are you and your neighbours safely connected and prepared for extreme heat? Try out our new neighbour-to-neighbour guide

Building Resilient Neighbourhoods (BRN), in collaboration with Hey Neighbour Collective, has published a new, free guide called Prepare Together for Extreme Heat.

Several neighbours stand around a table doing connect and prepare.

Connect & Prepare program applications, call for expressions of interest

We are inviting groups of neighbours living in either a multi-unit building or complex, or on the same street, to be part of a fully online version of our popular “Connect & Prepare” program this spring. Online workshops held between April-June 2021 with the support of micro-grants, program materials, and resource experts.