Neighbours Helping Neighbours

Big red bow clipped to the door knob on a white door

Pam’s story

Pam believes in the power of neighbours helping neighbours and has made an effort to know others in her building. Her next-door neighbour, Mid, was concerned a few years ago, that if something happened to her overnight, no one would know. Mid now hangs a bow outside her door from 7am to 9pm so Pam knows she’s OK. When Mid experienced a recent health emergency, Pam was there to offer help and comfort while she called for an ambulance. Now they speak just about every day.

The Prepare for Heat Guide cover page floats in the foreground with a cooling centre sign in Vancouver in the background.

Are you and your neighbours safely connected and prepared for extreme heat? Try out our new neighbour-to-neighbour guide

Building Resilient Neighbourhoods (BRN), in collaboration with Hey Neighbour Collective, has published a new, free guide called Prepare Together for Extreme Heat.

Two people stand at the front of the room at a Connect and Prepare event!

Share your stories, tell us your experiences!

Do you know of a group of neighbours, large or small, who assist, support, or look out for each other? Have you seen examples of neighbours helping neighbours either in…

Be kind; grow your own vegetables.

Neighbour-to-neighbour activities to keep building those resilience muscles while physical distancing

At Building Resilient Neighbourhoods, we often talk about community resilience as a set of “muscles” we can intentionally develop that will help us pro-actively respond and adapt to different shocks…